Friday, February 24, 2012

Carly taylor

Prevention of osteoporosis ... by Carly Taylor

Recently I'm going to continue to its customers about the benefits of exercise benefits other than what we generally refer to fitness (weight loss, increased energy, etc.), and every time I think I is covered with them, I remember that there is at least one more. This time they are talking about very overlooked. Osteoporosis is a disease process that is characterized by leading to increased fragility of bone and fracture risk. This silent disease that is usually far advanced by the time of diagnosis. Osteoporosis is a major health threat for more than 28 million Americans, especially women, are four times more often than men. This is a major cause of fractures in the elderly, resulting in more than 1. 2000000 fractures every year! To make it seem even more realistic, the National Osteoporosis Foundation says that one of two women and one in eight men over the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lives. Crazy is not it? Osteoporosis is not inevitable, however. This is not something that we just grow older. This can prevent disease. Increased awareness, especially among women, the risk of osteoporosis has made them of preventive measures that can protect them at critical points in life such as teens rapid growth and menopause. The combination of proper nutrition and weight-bearing exercise can maximize peak bone mass and prevent fractures in later life. There is no lasix 40 mg ivp better example of good health and fitness nutrition than their role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Although the best start to develop at an early age, it's never too late to start! A study conducted by Tufts University found that postmenopausal women who completed only two 40-minute weight training sessions per week for one year purchased a one percent bone density, while women in the sedentary control group lost two percent. Is thinking about that right? .

In fact, the man who has an active life ...

When you hear that someone is diagnosed with osteoporosisit inevitably treat him or her as a fragile vase China, which is easy to crack and shatter to pieces at the slightest force. This is a common mistake for osteoporosis actually a myth. While it may be true that osteoporosis and exercise can not go togetherthere actually exercises that can be done to treat osteoporosis. In fact, the man who has an active life and teaching procedures daily are less likely to develop lasix heart failure osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease that usually occurs in elderlymost especially women after forty fiftiesand to those women with small frames the body. While osteoporosis occurs in women, men are not exempt from developing the disease. It is true that osteoporosis, bones become unable to keep calcium in its matrix. Depletion of calcium in bones causes the body frame weak and easy to damage and fractures. This is the reason why many people with osteoporosis may be so careful around and do exercises. We can not blame them, certainlybecause primarily osteoporosis can cause pain and discomfort. However, not all forms of exercise are contraindicated for people with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and exercise for weight loss exercises weight bearing bearings are very important for people with osteoporosisyou may ask, why? Bones should be stressed in order to calcium to enter the matrix. This can be done with exercise weight bearing. This is the most common and simple exercises, weight bearing:

-PPPPPPPPP Walkingsimple, but effective. We carry our own weight, and we keep our bones strong. In addition, walking improves our cardiovascular diseases. -PPPPPPPPP Hikingthis a more advanced form of walking, so steep factor. However, hiking can be very useful because it also improves the resistance to those inclined platforms. -PPPPPPPPP Stairsif Climbing trips are not possible for you, depending on weather restrictions or interference area with stairs inside the building and climb up and down equally effective. Osteoporosis and exercise with resistance training resistance is important for people with osteoporosis, because it will allow the bone to stretch and take in more calcium in the blood. Resistance exercises are those that require a person to exert force against another force-bearing object. Fitness can be a great place to do some exercises such as resistance of the weight gradually. In addition, diving great exercise resistance, because to resist the power of water when you swim. Osteoporosis and exercise for flexibility Flexibility exercises improve patients' ability to stretch and prevent bone and muscle strain and injury. Some of the most effective exercises for flexibility, stretching, yoga and dancing. These exercises for osteoporosis effectivebut you should always keep in mind the opportunities for these exercises. A doctor or physical therapist rehabilitation can be a great resource in the implementation of osteoporosis exercises. .

Our understanding of how the immune system ...

Bodies immune system all must eventually take over management of infections such as Lyme disease. In my experience, antibiotics equalize the reduction of bacteria, leaving the work sustainable recovery of our own immune system. Without its own part bodyBЂ ™ s immune vigilance progression of health slowly and painfully. Our understanding of how the immune system and organs of the immune system develops and every recent studies cast light spot on the 2010 health impact of the gastrointestinal tract on the ability of the immune system to function effectively. In this first of a series of three sections we consider the recent understanding of the enormous role the intestine plays in the health of the immune system. Part two will discuss the evaluation and testing of immune dysfunction caused by gastro-intestinal tract. The third part will put it all together to strengthen the immune system. There are about 100 trillion bacteria in the human intestine. It is 10 times more cells, then that is the body. The presence of these bacteria is immunological effect on the rest of the body. In most cases, this immunological effect is very useful. However, this disruption of normal microflora, if not accept, is anti-inflammatory and may be more harmful. Antibiotics can not distinguish between beneficial and harmful bacteria, and therefore contributes to the regulation of healthy bacterial flora. Expression of a bacterial and inflammatory breach of Klebsiella in ankylosing spondylitis, Citrobacter and Klebsiella with rheumatoid arthritis, Yersinia with thyroiditis, Escherichia coli and Proteus with autoimmune diseases. These examples may not be direct impact, and molecular mimicry taking. In addition to the disruption of normal flora, diet is another key factor in overall health of the gastrointestinal tract, and then the reaction is an important component of the innate immune response to intestinal behalf of GALT lymphoid tissue. Food sensitivity is a direct result of the GALT response to Assult and harder than the dimension of a typical antibody titer. Most foods contain lectins, specialized proteins that may be inflammatory for the individual without causing classical antibodies. high levels of lectins are grains, legumes (ie "bean", including peanuts), dairy products and plant family Solanaceae. Many other foods contain lectins, but not so well studied and the number of lectins are not currently considered as high or potentially toxic. Other inflammatory triggers innate immune response, described below, is a pathogen associated molecular models (PAMPs particularly LPS = endotoxin), injury, damage associated molecular model (DAMPS-intracellular components), the end products of deep hlikirovaniya (APE), free radicals, and toxins

The culmination of these inflammatory triggers occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and lead to measurable systemic inflammatory response. The integrity of the cellular lining of intestinal epithelium of the mucous membranes, changes due to this inflammation leads to what is known as a syndrome resulting intestines. Bowel syndrome is pitted central antetsedent wide range of disorders associated with chronic inflammatory condition. endocrine network of intestinal epithelial barrier of tight intercellular connections, controls the balance between immunity tolerancand not >> << self-antigens.

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When the finely tuned trafficking of macromolecules dizrehulyatsii in genetically predisposed individuals as intestinal and extra intestinal

autoimmune disease can occur. This review is timely, given the increased interest in the role of the intestine resulting in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal diseases and the emergence of new treatment strategies such as probiotics. BЂ "(Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology, September 2005, Volume 2 number 9). In short, the immune system is divided into innate and adaptive response. Congenital response, usually within 0-96 hours. It is divided into 2 groups. One group is induced and / or nonspecific. Another group, in general, specifically. This is commonly a group contains a large list of immune responses, including macrophages, mast cells, cytokines, complement system, poly-morphular nucleosides, antimicrobial peptide, natural killer cells and dendritic cells. Adaptive response is usually activated within 4-5 days. Adapted system characteristic forms antibodies that provides sustainable response to repeated infection. This is a very specific system evolved that specializes in effecter T cells and B-lymphocytes. Information, including T cells and B cells use to distinguish derived from dendritic cells of the immune system. Dendritic cells controls XXXXXXXXXXXXX

B-cell response is known as humoral mediated system. It is in this system, in which antibodies to specific protein or infection formed. T-cell lymphocytes, also known as cellular systems. Dendritic cells in response to targeted previously described triggers. This dendritic primer will get different sets of T cells by converting instructions natsYive Th0 cells into Th1, Th2, Th17 and T regulatory cells. Depending on the signaling path can be redirected to give a different answer. This is the most dramatic for people with significant allergies and major infections that affect the efficiency of the immune system to cope with infection. For modulation or balance routes over-reaction and itBЂ ™ with drainage complications decresased. Th1 cells produce cytokines involved more cellular immunity and delayed hypersensitivity reaction. It does this by increasing the cellular activation of macrophages and neutrophils. The more prevailing disease seen with Th1 is rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyroiditis, Lyme arthritis and Crohn's disease. Th2 cells produce cytokines that are associated with subsequent activation of cell and as a result of allergy anti-body response. It does this with a set of mast cells, basophils and eosinophils. The more prevailing disease is seen with Th2 allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, contact dermatitis, scleroderma, ulcerative colitis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Th17 intermediate GI mucosal immunity and pulmonary pathogens (especially fungi and Gram-negative). This is a major factor of chronic inflammation. It is the main driver to initiate the inflammation of tissues and organs in autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, alkylosing spondylitis), Lyme arthritis, cancer and transplant rejection and allergy. As mentioned earlier, the gastrointestinal tract is a complete sensitivity of food and bacteria. In most cases, the immune system can recognize and move without the harmful bacteria. It does this by means of innate immune response. This is when harmful bacteria or fungi, inflammatory reaction, which can not be completely excluded that the ongoing inflammatory response has been received. If this continued inflammatory reaction does not turn off, then lasix 30 mg jump to the next level of chronic inflammation. This next level of chronic inflammation has many facets. It includes bowel syndrome and follow the regulation of inflammatory immune profile systemBЂ ™ s. You can also develop an autoimmune response, which is to reduce a recognition, continuing imbalance in TH1/TH2/TH17 lymphocytes and depletion of natural killer cells that may lead to an increase in chronic diseases and cancer. Most chronic diseases have been linked to excessive or persistent inflammation. This is a chronic inflammatory systemic effects of local manifestations. Chronic inflammation occurs when the current injury or susceptible immune system is not counter-regulation. In order to properly manage Lyme disease the immune system must be optimized. The first direction is the optimization of the gastrointestinal tract. In the next issue will focus on evaluation and testing of immune regulation as it relates to the gastrointestinal tract. .

Whenever the bones become fragile, as called ...

Exercises for osteoporosis treatment may be necessary for a person who suffers from reduced bone density. If a person does exercise regularly, then perhaps he can live longer. Exercise has many benefits, such as it promotes weight loss and improves cardio-vascular diseases that lead to good health. However, not all people can do the same exercise, especially if they already have a health condition. For example, people with osteoporosis have weaker bones because they require special exercises

osteoporosis. Whenever the bones become fragile, as caused by loss of collagen, is osteoporosis. Calcium is primarily responsible for the formation of strong bones in our body. However, some bad habits like smoking, consuming too much alcohol or go on a diet can seriously affect our stores of calcium. Women who are done with menopause are also very prone to osteoporosis because they have to perform. Typically, women are involved in some form of aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. While cardiovascular exercise really improve endurance,

require encumbrance exercises that can develop muscle strength. Whenever muscles bear a share, it slowly develops strength. There is even research that even older women benefit from this weight exercises osteoporosis. It also promotes full range of motion thus increasing flexibility. But the most important physical attributes that women should receive also strength balance. Balance is important because older women are prone to injuries such as hip fractures. Maintaining a good balance of the body is important lasix water pill to prevent injuries and accidents. Resistance training is recommended osteoporosis exercises. Erasers are compact and do not require much space to do some procedures. In addition, free weights, dumb bells as light can promote muscle growth and bone development for older women. Even exercise for half an hour, two or three times a week can make a significant contribution to the increase in bone density. Also, going to the gym and use of simulators can also help in the formation of bone tissue. However, using free weights in a Swiss ball reaches two important things: balance and strength. No matter what strength training equipment or method you use in your exercise for the treatment of osteoporosis, they are effective in combating this condition. However, always consult a doctor before starting any kind of exercise. Tags:

Pulmonary hypertension has been shown to ...

The combination of pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (KZSS) was first described in 1990, Wiggins et al .. Further investigation case more detailed, which is now recognized symptoms syndrome: a significant dyspnea, predisposition

this disease among male smokers, normal or nearly normal lung volume resulting from opposite effects

hyperinflation and fibrosis, and also a significant reduction in diffusion capacity

-. Later work showed that a significant pulmonary hypertension also occur in patients with KZSS and related

with short survival >> << -. However, these studies relied on transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) without evidence of right heart catheterization

(RHC) for the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension, an approach which could have serious limitations. In this issue of European Journal of breathing, Cotten

al. The results of a retrospective multicenter cohort study of patients with pulmonary hypertension and KZSS

confirmed by RHC. Cohort study was derived from populations of patients meeting diagnostic criteria were registered KZSS

to register orphans and diseases, which are then passed annual TTE for the evaluation of pulmonary hypertension. Patients were sent to RHC their doctor managed TTE results. Those with average pulmonary artery pressure


r) 25 mmHg, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of 15 mmHg and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 240 dynes · s · cm

included in the analysis. The patient cohort was a mean follow-RHC after 8 months. This study not only confirms many clinical characteristics KZSS described in previous studies and provides more >> << new and important ideas. First, the average time since diagnosis of KZSS to diagnose pulmonary hypertension is 16 months

suggesting that pulmonary hypertension can occur quickly after diagnosis. Second, patients with pulmonary hypertension lasix generic no prescription

very bad weather, an estimated survival only 60% at 1 year. Thirdly, one-dimensional analysis showed physiologically

consistent pattern in which increasing

P, PVR, and heart rate and decreased cardiac index were significantly associated with higher risk of death. Finally, reduced diffusion capacity >> << lungs for carbon monoxide was associated with increased mortality. This work has several advantages. First, unlike previous studies that require a limitation of the lungs for inclusion in the study, this study used the American thoracic society / European Respiratory Society diagnostic criteria for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

(IPF), which were expanded to include patients with normal lung volumes. The revised criteria enlarge >> << generalized research, including a more representative population KZSS patients and avoid possible bias associated with choosing

only in patients with more advanced fibrosis. Secondly, the use of RHC to measure

P & PVR provides a more precise definition of the main exposure, thereby increasing the scientific validity of the observed

relationship between pulmonary hypertension and mortality. Finally, the authors were able to assess the impact of certain

hemodynamic parameters and clinical indicators of long-term survival. The study also has its limitations. A short mean follow-term survival estimates exclude, including the average >> << and 5-year survival, however, the frequency of events at the beginning of observation and high 1 year mortality enough to illustrate

significant effect of pulmonary hypertension on prognosis. Nonprotocolised decision of RHC can enter

selection in patients with the most significant symptoms or severe disease were selected to undergo RHC, and not continue >> << noninvasive monitoring. This shift may have overestimated the impact of pulmonary hypertension on survival. Finally, because

small number of results, the authors are unable to perform multivariate analysis to control mixed. Despite these limitations, this study makes an important contribution to our understanding KZSS as a clinical entity. But

several mechanistic and clinical questions remain. It is unclear whether the occurrence of both processes is simply

coincidence of two diseases with different mechanisms, but the main common risk factor, or whether a general >> << way in some people, leading as fibrosis and emphysema after exposure to cigarette smoke. Experimental animal models

proposed general mechanisms by which tobacco smoke can lead to both emphysema and IPF

, - but these mechanisms have not been substantiated in humans. Pulmonary hypertension has been shown that significantly more common and more severe in KZSS than any >> IPF, or emphysema << alone. It is possible that the prevalence and severity of pulmonary hypertension is simply an additional effect of the two diseases

processes independently associated with pulmonary hypertension. A more intriguing possibility is that there is a common >> << process in susceptible individuals, perhaps indirectly through chronic inflammation induced by cigarette smoke, leading to vascular reconstruction >> << in addition to fibrosis and emphysema. While animal data suggest a general relationship, at least theoretically possible, there is still no human studies to determine whether pulmonary hypertension in KZSS is part of a biological response

or by-product synergy of two different people. At the same time not recognizing emphysema added clinical value for diagnosis of IPF alone? After >> << pulmonary hypertension developed as KZSS and IPF have the same prognosis, and options

drug therapy is unproven. However, in early disease, of course, recognition of emphysema in patients with IPF

- is important to monitor. The prognosis for patients with KZSS closely associated with the development >> << pulmonary hypertension and clinical monitoring should include regular evaluation of pulmonary artery pressure. While

TTE is the most convenient, inaccuracies systolic

P evaluates to echo in patients with progressive lung disease suggests that physicians should have a low threshold for

RHC in cases where the right for, timing and choice of one

compared with double lung transplantation depends on accurate determination of hemodynamics,,,.harmful effects of anabolic steroids Also, please note that some of the methods commonly used to monitor patients with IPF may be useful in the management

in KZSS. For example, serial spirometry is commonly used as a measure of disease progression in IPF

however, it was shown that forced vital capacity decreases more slowly in patients with KZSS than in patients with IPF,

, despite similarly poor survival in both groups. Repeated measurements of lung and did not provide an accurate assessment of disease trajectory, and can even imagine

false assurances of disease stability. In such cases, worsening hypoxemia may indicate progression in KZSS

lack of spirometry changes. Because of these difficulties in the clinical picture and monitoring has been suggested that patients with KZSS

should be excluded from future studies IPF. Of course KZSS patients with normal or nearly normal lung function at the beginning and slower average speed reduction

in measured amounts of light can distort the results of studies that use changes in spirometry as a marker of disease. It is also an important factor in future research on the study of prognostic markers in IPF. In addition, although patients with

KZSS can meet all diagnostic criteria for IPF, including the presence of the usual interstitial pneumonia pattern of surgical biopsy

is not known whether KZSS and isolated IPF have a common pathogenetic mechanism. Combination of these patients in prospective studies

therefore may mask observed response to therapy in both groups. In addition, the impact KZSS may have been on

last observation studies and clinical trials should be explored. Our understanding of the combination of fibrosis and pulmonary emphysema is still evolving. Clearly, however, that the availability

emphysema in patients with IPF is essential for survival associated with the development of pulmonary hypertension >> << and important implications for disease surveillance. It is essential that future research

mechanism and management of this syndrome is needed. Many questions remain unanswered, and the pressure builds. .

Finally, it is likely that the definition

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Diagnosis of osteoporosis in men patient

usually made of bone densitometry in the context of symptoms or signs

. Like most men have symptoms of skeletal complaints or

fractures, bone mineral density on a scale less than T 2. 5 will be

according to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. If the patient

symptoms, however, T scores less than 2. 5, using men

Standard database shall be held a the same fracture risk as

T score of less than 2. 5 out of use of female database. Without >> << symptoms or signs, so it is necessary to see that the best definition >> << T score of osteoporosis in men. If consensus is reached

Finally, it is likely that the definition of a scale T >> << will be adjusted downward (

, ie less than 2. 5)

correspond to the risk that is present in Caucasian women with a T account

, 2. 5. All reasonable possible causes of bone loss should be considered

. Regular measurement of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase

-and whey proteins, as well as liver, kidney, adrenal, pituitary

and thyroid tests destination. Sex steroid measurements >> << should include total testosterone, estrone, estradiol,

, , and sex hormone-binding globulin. Tests calciotropic axis >> << include PTH, 25-hydroksyvytamyna D, and 1.25-dihydroxy D levels. Specific markers of bone formation (serum bone alkaline phosphatase and >> << osteokaltsynu) and bone resorption (urinary >> << calcium and collagen cross-links N-telopeptydu or Dezoksypirydynolin)

received. Percutaneous biopsy of bone may be useful to find out more >> << finally histomorfometricheskoe and dynamic parameters >> disorders. << Biopsy of bone may also help to rule out possible causes

not obvious, such as occult forms of osteomalacia,

bought osteogenesis imperfecta, mastotsytoz, and malignant neoplasms. If the diagnosis is known, the person receives specific therapeutic measures to combat >> << underlying disease. In those patients, as well as

those who do not know the diagnosis, initial therapeutic considerations >> << similar to the approach used for osteoporosis women. Dietary calcium intake should be 1200-1500 mg, according to >> << NIH and the Food and nutrition guidelines for optimal calcium intake >> << (,

). Vitamin D intake should be adequate lasix. People need to get

400-600 IU / day. This is somewhat higher than the current RDA

vitamin D, but according to new Food and Nutrition

principles of. Adequate exercise will definitely be highly recommended. In

people who suffered compression fractures of the spine or other complications >> <<, exercise should circumstances. Nature

antyhravitatsiyi training and degree of problems

sometimes you may need physiotherapy services. Weight

Learning, which provides additional mechanical stimulus for selected sites >> << may also play a role. Smoking should be prohibited, and excessive alcohol use

reception should be avoided. In general, androgen therapy is available at

persons whose sex glands function normally. Information about specific therapies are limited. These performance

alendronate therapy in men will soon be available. This

reasonable to expect that antiresorptive therapy alendronate

and new bisphosphonates will be shown to be effective. Due to the fact that

bone dynamics seem depressed in men with idiopathic osteoporosis

, an attractive alternative therapeutic approach to this syndrome >> << are using anabolic agents. Low dose intermittent PTH administration

could be due to anabolic effects on

cancellous sites (,,

). These impressive results are promising and

further the development of PTH as a therapeutic tool in

idiopathic osteoporosis in men. Other possible approaches to anabolic

which is even more limited data include fluoride and GH. Patients with serial control measure bone mass as they

useful surrogate indexes of therapeutic efficacy. The use of bone markers

which give information on changes in bone formation and resorption

may also be helpful, as was shown in several large studies >> << scale in postmenopausal women (,

). It is possible that

, reduce markers of bone after antirresorptive therapy in men will

provide the same predictive information on therapeutic results

has been shown in postmenopausal women, but such studies have not

available. .

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