Friday, February 24, 2012

Finally, it is likely that the definition

anabolic steroids use

Diagnosis of osteoporosis in men patient

usually made of bone densitometry in the context of symptoms or signs

. Like most men have symptoms of skeletal complaints or

fractures, bone mineral density on a scale less than T 2. 5 will be

according to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. If the patient

symptoms, however, T scores less than 2. 5, using men

Standard database shall be held a the same fracture risk as

T score of less than 2. 5 out of use of female database. Without >> << symptoms or signs, so it is necessary to see that the best definition >> << T score of osteoporosis in men. If consensus is reached

Finally, it is likely that the definition of a scale T >> << will be adjusted downward (

, ie less than 2. 5)

correspond to the risk that is present in Caucasian women with a T account

, 2. 5. All reasonable possible causes of bone loss should be considered

. Regular measurement of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase

-and whey proteins, as well as liver, kidney, adrenal, pituitary

and thyroid tests destination. Sex steroid measurements >> << should include total testosterone, estrone, estradiol,

, , and sex hormone-binding globulin. Tests calciotropic axis >> << include PTH, 25-hydroksyvytamyna D, and 1.25-dihydroxy D levels. Specific markers of bone formation (serum bone alkaline phosphatase and >> << osteokaltsynu) and bone resorption (urinary >> << calcium and collagen cross-links N-telopeptydu or Dezoksypirydynolin)

received. Percutaneous biopsy of bone may be useful to find out more >> << finally histomorfometricheskoe and dynamic parameters >> disorders. << Biopsy of bone may also help to rule out possible causes

not obvious, such as occult forms of osteomalacia,

bought osteogenesis imperfecta, mastotsytoz, and malignant neoplasms. If the diagnosis is known, the person receives specific therapeutic measures to combat >> << underlying disease. In those patients, as well as

those who do not know the diagnosis, initial therapeutic considerations >> << similar to the approach used for osteoporosis women. Dietary calcium intake should be 1200-1500 mg, according to >> << NIH and the Food and nutrition guidelines for optimal calcium intake >> << (,

). Vitamin D intake should be adequate lasix. People need to get

400-600 IU / day. This is somewhat higher than the current RDA

vitamin D, but according to new Food and Nutrition

principles of. Adequate exercise will definitely be highly recommended. In

people who suffered compression fractures of the spine or other complications >> <<, exercise should circumstances. Nature

antyhravitatsiyi training and degree of problems

sometimes you may need physiotherapy services. Weight

Learning, which provides additional mechanical stimulus for selected sites >> << may also play a role. Smoking should be prohibited, and excessive alcohol use

reception should be avoided. In general, androgen therapy is available at

persons whose sex glands function normally. Information about specific therapies are limited. These performance

alendronate therapy in men will soon be available. This

reasonable to expect that antiresorptive therapy alendronate

and new bisphosphonates will be shown to be effective. Due to the fact that

bone dynamics seem depressed in men with idiopathic osteoporosis

, an attractive alternative therapeutic approach to this syndrome >> << are using anabolic agents. Low dose intermittent PTH administration

could be due to anabolic effects on

cancellous sites (,,

). These impressive results are promising and

further the development of PTH as a therapeutic tool in

idiopathic osteoporosis in men. Other possible approaches to anabolic

which is even more limited data include fluoride and GH. Patients with serial control measure bone mass as they

useful surrogate indexes of therapeutic efficacy. The use of bone markers

which give information on changes in bone formation and resorption

may also be helpful, as was shown in several large studies >> << scale in postmenopausal women (,

). It is possible that

, reduce markers of bone after antirresorptive therapy in men will

provide the same predictive information on therapeutic results

has been shown in postmenopausal women, but such studies have not

available. .

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